What is Presbyopia?

The ability of the eye lens to change shape in order to focus on different distances decreases with age.
In the beginning it is helpful to hold the newspaper further away, but later on in life every person with normal vision (starting at approximately age 45) will need reading glasses for close-up vision.

A person with slight nearsightedness (approx. -2 to -3 diopters) will always need glasses for focused distance vision. For the purpose of reading, the glasses can simply be removed; this person is able to read without glasses. A mild nearsightedness makes it possible to read without glasses at an older age; however, glasses will always be needed for distant vision (for example, driving a car or watching television). If nearsightedness is corrected by a surgical procedure, glasses will no longer be needed for distance vision. With increased age, presbyopia will occur as with any other person, and reading glasses will be needed.

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