My experience with Laser Vision Correction
Laura E. Silvero, Fredon, NJ
I was born with a bilateral strabismus. My eyes wandered at will and I could not focus on anything. I can still remember the surgery I had in 1959 when I was three to correct this. The smell of the anesthesia they used back then will stay with me for the rest of my life. I guess that is the main reason I remember such a distant time in my life; it was certainly traumatic.
I also was nearsighted and had astigmatism in both eyes. As the years went by, my vision got worse and worse. Glasses restricted me in so many ways that when I was 16, I begged my mother for contact lenses. She got them for me and I remember the first thing I wanted to see: the top of my head!
I used the same type for over 12 years. They actually were glass, and it wasn’t until one of my children broke one, that I decided to go with a more modern version.
I always kept a pair of eyeglasses handy for those middle of the night times when my children needed me, as I would otherwise trip and bump into anything that was in my way. Depth perception was not a strong point in my vision, either. Many times I missed steps, curbs, and other objects in my path and actually broke a toe several times trying to navigate without my glasses or contacts.
Year after year, my prescription got stronger and stronger until I was told that contacts were no longer an option. Having worn them for so many years, enjoying the freedom they provided, I was devastated. All I could think was “I’ll never see the top of my head again!”
That’s when I met Dr. Liegner. We were both parent volunteers at our children’s grammar school. We were part of a committee created to develop the use of computers in our school.
I had heard of Laser Vision Correction and had been keeping track of the progress made in this field for several years.
Dr. Liegner convinced me that I would be a good candidate for this procedure, and after having discussed it with my husband, I decided to have it done.
He explained the entire procedure to me, answered every question I had, and gave me information to review at home.
After Dr. Liegner examined my eyes and obtained my exact prescription, I was ready for the procedure!
I was so excited on the day of my surgery. I couldn’t get over how quickly everything happened.
My eyes were anesthetized, and then my vision was corrected! I was on my way home in less than an hour!
When I awoke the next morning, I was absolutely stunned.
I spent a good hour just looking at the things I look at every day. My alarm clock,
my children, the coffeemaker, the Weather Channel!
Everything was crystal clear! Of course I could see the top of my head!
I am glad that I am able to share my experience here because even though I already told everyone I know, I want as many people as possible to know what
Dr. Liegner and LASIK Vision Correction has done for me.
Laura E. Silvero

Dr. Jeffrey T. Liegner's office staff is happy to answer your questions

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